Sunday, October 26, 2008

Procrastinating Blogging Anything Useful

I guess I forgot that the holidays get busy. I keep planning on doing all of these fun things (as well as all of the not-so-fun things), but less than half of them seem to get done. One cool thing I've been able to do was "doctor up" (I'm not feeling bitter or anything that Robert is well on his way to getting a D.O. and I don't even have a B.A.) some old family photos. If they ever had copyrights, they expired around 10 to 50 years ago. I wanted to print them out, but Wal-Mart wouldn't let me. THEY AREN'T COPYRIGHTED ANYMORE! (Excuse me... I'm venting.) I wanted to print them out to put up for Halloween--since old picture kind of look creepy. Anyways, our camera broke :P, so these pics will have to work until I can get some more of the kids (at least after I catch up, but I don't wanna do that now). Well... here are the ones I have that Wal-Mart wouldn't print (*Shaking fist and searching for copyright law). And I promise to put up pics of the kids soon... errrmmm... relatively soon.

My Grandma Alice Edna Horrocks. Age 19... Pic taken 1926.

Grandpa Harvey Clark Gardner

Aunts Vontella, Verla, Ilene, Uncles Eldon, Larry (Dad wasn't born yet).

Same people--different picture.

My cute dad. (His picture was ruined, but I fixed his face and the backdrop. Yay for photoshop!)

Grandma and Grandpa Gardner (He died right after my parents married--never met him)

Some people I should know on my Mom's side.

Some more of Mom's fam that I SHOULD know.

One of the boys is Mom's Grandpa.

The cute girl in the middle is my Mom's Mom.

P.S. I'm working on my Mom's side--I WILL know who these people are soon. AND... I'll be taking some of them to the temple with me in November....(*insert utter excitement here!)

Friday, October 10, 2008

How Cute is That!

Combine General Conference, the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, an ASL-interpreting auntie, then throw in uber amounts of cuteness--and this is what you get.

Monday, October 6, 2008

To Do list Update (two posts today)

Just in case you were wondering. . . I was able to accomplish all of my list (except printing pics, I felt too bad about heckeling my poor Mom and Dad--okay, I just got too busy to go to the store. And technically I didn't finish the invites) and we also did a few other things (including, but not limited to: putting up cupboards and most of hardware, spraypainting hardware, cleaning up JoJo's "accident," starting an awesome plaque to go over the stove, a few loads of laundry, Robert took Nana to the park, ummm. . . and there was other stuff, but I forget) by Friday night--that is, WITH Robert's help. Most of my days are NOT that productive. I usually sit in a pile of. . . piles. . . and eat lots of sugar because I'm so depressed :P. It was nice to have it all done for conference, though.

I'm a LITTLE Giddy

Today is a Ukelele type day, am I right? I feel so great after conference. I especially loved the talk Sunday morning by our prophet about change and loving before change gives us loss/enjoying the journey type stuff. I haven't watched general conference online since like 1999--and even then the feed wasn't very good. Luckily, back when we couldn't just go watch it at church because church was in our living room, we had a satellite radio (no, not XM radio--it just got the tv signal from satellites like they have for tv stations--besides conference, we also would listen to "Walker, Texas Ranger" shows when it was really dull and we had no tv--you'd hear a lot of fabric rustling when they were fighting--come to think of it, that may be why I thought this post was so funny--and yes, I know I blogged it before). I was worried we would have to zoom down to the church building or something if conference wouldn't come in. Nope. We had a high-quality veiwing experience. Well, I guess being in the mission field isn't as rough as it used to be--makes me feel kinda old. . . pardon me while I go calculate my age now.

Friday, October 3, 2008

No Time for a Post

So, I feel kind of guilty that I haven't posted anything for awhile. (Why, you ask? Let's just say I have a sister.) Anywho, I really just don't have anything to say/anytime to say it. So... I was about to make a to-do list (I'm a big fan. :D), and I thought that could be my post. Here goes:
Download pics from camera
Make bed
Clean kids' room
Make Shopping list
-Kids' clothes for next season
Clean Tub/Sink/Floor
(We're having company, so we must have a clean tub!)
Start Making Invites
Print Pics for Frames
(This one is sad)
Heckel parents about pics for frames... lol
Get new hardware, spraypaint, etc... for cupboards
Make new list this afternoon.