Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Too Much Information

You know how you have to pump the primer a few times before the lawn mower will really start? I think my primer fell off.

We started a health kick this week. I didn't fall completely off the wagon, but let's just say I'm getting beat up a little by the wheel. I can't have another baby until I'm healthy again. (I know, I know, I'm addicted to babies--move over octo-mom.) Anyway, my goals are: drink at least 64 ounces water a day (but try for 128), go to bed by 11, exercise at least 3X's a week, write down all that I eat, and don't eat past 7:30. I should be down to my pre-pregnancy weight by Thanksgiving--let's hope I make it. Then maybe by Thanksgiving 2010 I'll make it to my ultimate goal weight! And we can have another baby to complicate things again!

Emotional stability is part of your health too, you know. Lately, I think that has been a little stunted for me. I blame this blog (because that's the emotionally stable thing to do). I write horrible things on here. True, I do feel those things, but I feel so many good things that I don't write. So I'm going to try harder to "fake it 'til I make it" and only post the parts of my life that are honky dory (at least most of the time). Would that be more interesting? I hope so.

Today I completed a total of 3 Alt-erior design makeovers--no easy feat since my computer memory is pretty full, and the program takes a lot to run :P.

After I finished, the 465GB external hard drive came in the mail--next time my projects may be even faster!

I got to talk to both of my brothers on the phone (how I wish I could be with them visiting my parents--I never get to see them anymore). I'm really excited to see the fireplace they are renovating in my parent's house. No, I don't think you understand. . . I am REALLY excited. It's going to look marvelous--and very different. I live for that kind of thing.

Our computer still won't load pictures, so I can't post any, but rest assured. . . the kids are adorable, our house is awesome (Robert's mudding the basement as I type!), and life is terrific--despite the fact that it also stinks. (Like I said, still working on the emotional stability ;D--I will have a positive attitude, I will have a positive attitude, I will have a . . . )