Sunday, November 9, 2008

I still remember Halloween... do you?

So, I figured I should put up some pictures of Eenie and Nana in their costumes before I forget what it was they dressed as. Aren't they cute. Eenie's pic is in a cornbox (kind of like a sandbox, but way cooler and less messy). I want one. They had it at Port Farms. (We were finally able to go with our friends the Bruenings after missing out on invitations from other friends--I was so glad we went.) Joanna was the cutest Tinkerbell (and that's saying a lot when you consider how many kids dress up as that ;D). We didn't get a great picture of her. . . she let me put up her hair in a bun and everything (she usually never lets me touch her hair, seriously, I can't even brush it out of her face--she puts it right back if I do!). Anyway, I told her it was Tinkerbell hair, and she was all for it. The next day (this is a picture of the next day) I was able to do it again when I told her it was Princess Nana hair. (She likes being a princess). I think she's cured! I have been able to do her hair a lot more often lately. . . sometimes without even bribing her. Yay!


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness Eenie is so BIG and his hair, I love it. Jojo is also getting so big.
That little play cereal area looks like so much fun.
Oh how I wish you were around.

Anonymous said...

Hey, there is nothing like the bribery of real Princess things. Princess 'bites'....Princess 'food', "all princess do that...",

But be careful, Paul got into that too, and I don't know how many days I had to TRY and get out of PRINCESS LAYA'S hairdo....ohhhhhh man. Buns on either side of her head. somehow Laya (I have no idea how to spell her name: lay-a))got to be one of the princess, along with cinderella, belle and sleeping beauty.

Anonymous said...

Yay for little girls and getting to do their hair! Her ponytails are cute! Oh, and the next tiem I make a batch of scotcheroos, you'll be the first to get one. You have no idea what you're missing out on!

Anonymous said...

YAY! for cuteness~!!!!
corn know I bet you could make one...hmmmm...yeah I wish mother bribed me more to let me do her hair man most of my pics are ugly cause my hair isnt' done.

Anonymous said...

Good thinking telling her she will have princess hair. Too bad Brooklyn has gotten too old to fall for those tricks:)

Anonymous said...

Joanna's costume is adorable. I love it. Oh man, I will probably die if my little girl doesn't let me touch her hair - that is one of the things I'm looking forward to about having a girl child. Guess I should prepare myself. Enoch's eyes are so big and blue.

Anonymous said...

Hey, it's me again. We went private, and I think you wanted an invite, but I don't have your email address anymore. Can you email it to me?

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you left me a message...I'm going to add you to my fam/friend list! I love the vintage pics!!