Sunday, December 28, 2008

Sunday Study

I have always believed that any religion is better than no religion (save Satan worshipping, which is just creepy and does NOT lead to any type of happiness--I know from secondhand experience). I was reading an article about a study that showed apx. 70-80% of Mormons who have left the church become aetheist. This was one of their reasons:

" They feel the evidence supporting the reliability of the Bible/Christianity is no stronger than the evidence for the Book of Mormon/Mormonism. This is encouraged by the LDS church’s deconstruction of all other Christian faiths. It’s a restoration church so it has to show why mainstream Christianity is false and why the Bible is unreliable by itself. To supports it’s own mission, the LDS church has latched onto the best the anti-Christian community has to offer and used it to bolster its own claims. When ex-Mormons leave the LDS church, they don’t need to learn why mainstream Christianity is false, they’ve been taught that their whole lives."

(No, I do not remember who wrote it--yes, I'm awful at this editor stuff. But, you can find the whole thing on

I thought that was interesting. I don't see Mormonism that way personally, but I do see it around me. My favorite thing in the world is Medieval studies. Ooohhhh. . . don't get me started. Just looking at an illuminated text, well, there's really not much out there more beautiful. Thing is. . . pretty much everything Medieval has Catholic undertones. I wish I could take a class in Catholicism. That, dear friends, is a FASCINATING religion. The symbolism. . . I can't find the words. . . (Okay, so I'd pretty much die if I felt I had to be celibate to be religious--never have children!--but maybe I could be like Margery Kempe--although I'd much prefer to preach the doctrines of Julian of Norwich--I really dislike Margery, and I would feel silly all in white outside of the temple--but I digress).

Anyway, I don't completely agree with that statement (Apostles of the Lord definitely do not "deconstruct" other Christian faiths--other LDS members. . . yes. In fact, I have heard the Apostles give praise to other religions and ask us to follow others' good examples), but I do hope that I can always teach my children to respect the truth in other religions. Every religion (although I do believe The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the only church given God's authority to perform saving ordinances) is inspired in one way or another by God. What I don't think is inspired of God is sitting on the fence, partially believing, but not acting on your religion. If you believe in something, you should put all of your heart and soul into following it.

I have seen so many of my high school friends fall away from their beliefs. They end up in really bad places. I just hope that my kids can always believe in something, put their whole heart into believing it, and follow through with their actions. I don't always show them the greatest example. Obviously, I hope they stay in the LDS church. It is more true than any other church. There are still some false dogmatic things that have snuck in, but that's why we have a prophet. He'll set us straight. I'll stop rambling now.


Anonymous said...

It's so true that when an LDS member falls, they fall hard! When I left the church I went completely anti-Christianity (stupid, I know - but I got over it). Based on my experience, I think it is because we know the truth is there, but if we choose not to partake of it for whatever petty reason, we can't handle anything coming in as a distant second. Hence, we try to get as far away from it as possible. Some of the Church's biggest thorns have been members who left, just trying to boisterously make others as miserable as they are. I was one of them, and I am so grateful the Spirit was able to crawl back into my life and get me back to where I am happiest.

Anonymous said...

I was hoping someone would post a comment--I wanted to know what other people thought :D. I kind of get rebellious, too. Like one time someone told me they disapproved of a movie that I think is really great. All I wanted to do was watch every show I'd ever seen that wasn't very uplifting, without going as far as watching R movies. I'm not sure why. It wasn't the highest point of my life. And I'm sure I'll do similar things again.

Anonymous said...

Good post Ali Mae...when I fell off the wagon in college...I always knew I'd come back, I just had to wait for the right time. One of the big things that got me was the hypocrisy. I just couldn't stand listening to it all. So, I bailed. Then after awhile, I grew up and realized we are all just pathetic imperfect human beings...trying to find a better way and a better life. The truth is held in the Gospel and Doctrine, not the in the behavior of it's members...Took me awhile to figure that out. duh.

And now, in the young family circuit...I see the same thing...who can put on the prettiest facade....and you know what....its still crap. ;-) I just recognize it as crap now...VS...actually believing they were better than I could, we're all in the same boat...

Amazing what a little age and wisdom through experience will reveal, eh?