Saturday, November 21, 2009

Princesses and Ugly Stepsisters

I always wanted to be a tomboy when I was growing up--that's what was cool to all of my friends. But I know deep down inside I really wanted to be a princess. I loved Ariel (because she had red hair) and Jasmine (I guess I had a thing for the midriff). I hated Belle (still not sure why). Anyway--one Sunday I was having way too much trouble with my bangs, so just before church, I decided to hack them off (see photo). As I was straightening my hair with my hair clip--I felt a little closer to a princess. Maybe even related to one:

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Seems like there's a song for every mood I've ever felt--here's how I feel right now.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

"A Day in the Life" or "Fire Drill!"

Robert was going away again, so I decided that we would have some fun without him. (Well, you know, not "without" him, per se, but "in his absence.")
We made sugar cookies. Enoch only destroyed one.
Mommy did a little bit of a better job.
Yes, the smoke alarm went on, and we left the building like a good little family should. The baby even woke up for it--we couldn't just leave her inside of a potentially burning building--even on such a cold night.
You can bet we watched the rest of the cookies more closely.
Of course. . . maybe the cookies weren't what needed watching. . . .

Friday, November 13, 2009

Halloween Night

Halloween night we decided we wanted to be tourists. So, we set out to explore tiger country (google said this was a tiger habitat--but we didn't see any there). So, we headed to Presque Isle, where there had been reports of tiger sightings earlier that week (see previous post). We were sure to bring our camera, binoculars, and a map of the area. We even put on bug repellant (okay, not really--but we did wear socks with our flip flops to keep a little warmer in our shorts--luckily it wasn't a cold night). It wasn't too long after dusk when we spotted them! Wild tigers in there natural habitat--and we were especially lucky to find a hunting party!!!
Here we find the oldest tiger pausing to enjoy some of the night's spoils. As we followed these wild tigers, we discovered one of them couldn't walk on her own--so I got to carry her throughout the whole evening. It was really special. I don't know why we didn't take a picture.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Ward Halloween Party

Can you tell what we went as? (The primary did a cupcake walk--I made the purple and green ones. Lacey mastered the most disgusting slime-green frosting :D).
Can you see what we are now? We had to give some people quite a few hints. Maybe this helps? Speaking of making purple and green things. . . thanks Karen for showing me how to make some awesome bows.

Ali Mae Needs. . .

Some days I feel so full; I don't think I really need anything--Today was one of those days. But just for kicks, I wanted to see what google thought I needed. . . you know, in case someone is trying to find me a Christmas gift ;D. (I just googled "Ali Mae Needs")

So, here are my top 5 "needs:"

Ali Mae "needs" My Space (with three kids in diapers. . . you bet!)

Ali Mae "needs" a Christo-centric missiology (don't we all [I have no idea what that's supposed to mean, but it sounds good to me]).

Ali mae "needs" her Rocky fix (last night Robert wanted to watch Rocky. . . or are we talking Rocky Road?)

Ali Mae "needs"social acceptance in school, and it helps if she wears what celebrities do (riiiiight--although from the look of the holes in my pants. . . ummm. . . maybe that isn't so far fetched).

Ali Mae "needs" Better Explaining – And Fast (Part of my interest in linguistics and editing is to become more eloquent)

Well, hope that helps with your gift lists. Now I just have to search what Robert needs ;D.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Fall Pictures

Our little door monkey

Us at the playground on the bayfront

Enoch and his new baby sister

"Baby lady" Laurelyn

Nana loves to dress up.

Enoch in front of the house, we are just about to unload an entertainment center that we found on the side of the road.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Guessing Game!

Hee Hee. . . memories (do do dooo) like a quiet afternoon. . . Uhhh. . . okay, maybe that's not really the right song for this post. Moving on.

Thought this might be fun.

Can you tell me Who, Where, What, Why, When, How?
Oh yeah, and Who could possibly have been the decorator of this establishment? (YIKES!--but trust me--it used to be worse, and I tried to get the owners to paint the. . . Ummm. . . "accent" wall. Little winter scenes pounded into white faux wood laminate--yup, I couldn't believe it either)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Too Much Information

You know how you have to pump the primer a few times before the lawn mower will really start? I think my primer fell off.

We started a health kick this week. I didn't fall completely off the wagon, but let's just say I'm getting beat up a little by the wheel. I can't have another baby until I'm healthy again. (I know, I know, I'm addicted to babies--move over octo-mom.) Anyway, my goals are: drink at least 64 ounces water a day (but try for 128), go to bed by 11, exercise at least 3X's a week, write down all that I eat, and don't eat past 7:30. I should be down to my pre-pregnancy weight by Thanksgiving--let's hope I make it. Then maybe by Thanksgiving 2010 I'll make it to my ultimate goal weight! And we can have another baby to complicate things again!

Emotional stability is part of your health too, you know. Lately, I think that has been a little stunted for me. I blame this blog (because that's the emotionally stable thing to do). I write horrible things on here. True, I do feel those things, but I feel so many good things that I don't write. So I'm going to try harder to "fake it 'til I make it" and only post the parts of my life that are honky dory (at least most of the time). Would that be more interesting? I hope so.

Today I completed a total of 3 Alt-erior design makeovers--no easy feat since my computer memory is pretty full, and the program takes a lot to run :P.

After I finished, the 465GB external hard drive came in the mail--next time my projects may be even faster!

I got to talk to both of my brothers on the phone (how I wish I could be with them visiting my parents--I never get to see them anymore). I'm really excited to see the fireplace they are renovating in my parent's house. No, I don't think you understand. . . I am REALLY excited. It's going to look marvelous--and very different. I live for that kind of thing.

Our computer still won't load pictures, so I can't post any, but rest assured. . . the kids are adorable, our house is awesome (Robert's mudding the basement as I type!), and life is terrific--despite the fact that it also stinks. (Like I said, still working on the emotional stability ;D--I will have a positive attitude, I will have a positive attitude, I will have a . . . )

Thursday, August 27, 2009

I Just Ate 3 Pudding Cups

In fact, as I was eating the 2nd one, I got hungry and started on the 3rd--then I finished the 2nd. I think something may be wrong with me. I'll probably feel dizzy by the end of this post.

I despise Thursdays. Robert's out all day until at least 10 (our get-ready-for-bed time, actually). The weekend is near and I'm usually not done with my responsibilities. If there's a GNO or anything else fun I pretty much can't go because of Robert's meetings (does anyone else read GNO and think about gynocologists? no? just me--figured as much).

Something good happen today, please. (Like maybe everyone could forget what they just read.)

Well, I'm off to see why the kids are all crying (yup--all three of them--in three different places in the house). Oh, and I have to wipe the chocolate pudding off of Nana before she touches anything. (Can you guess the only reason I didn't eat 4 puddings?)

Monday, August 17, 2009

One Month

Lolly is one month already! In order to sustain my current mood and avoid any detection of false optimism, I will now explain why this is a bad thing:

She's no longer my little lightning bug--and her "baby tan" is almost gone (jaundice stuff for those who may wonder what I'm saying)

She only has 2 more months to wear 0-3 month clothes. Or less!

Newborn diapers will never fit her again.

She slept better 2 weeks ago (from midnight to six). I may not have that again for another month!

Her lungs have developed more and more and she can definitely cry very loudly. (Which reminds me, does anyone know about that lady who can read different baby cries and teach moms how too? I think I saw her on a talk show?)

No more visitors=no more grandparents=sad Nana. (Robert found her crying in the basement today after Grandma left--very sad)

Okay, I guess you could put a positive spin on these if you would like--I just feel like being kind of grouchy right now (mainly because my computer isn't working--and that means I'm not either!)

Not Dead

Hello everyone,

Just in case you were wondering, I am still alive. We moved our computer down to the basement to make room for the nursery--that paired with a new baby. . . well. . . I'm not on here nearly as much as I would like to be.

Quick updates:

I highly recommend the ravine flyer II--went on it the first time with my sis Sandi--and then with in-laws Heidi and James (and Robert was there both times).

I've washed the couch cover many a time--little lady has acid reflux.

I survived a week all by myself. (As in, in the house. Alone. With all of the children.)

I disagree that the third is the hardest. The first is the hardest. (of course, Nana was born right before my finals). Hopefully she doesn't prove me wrong later?

Thursday, July 30, 2009

It's about time I loaded some pics

She really loves her sister (I know Lolly looks like she's in pain, but she's not).
He kept making funny faces at the camera--so I took a picture of him--what a goof.

Exactly one day old.

These kids are the best big sister and brother--they really love Laurelyn a LOT.
Are there words?
Affectionate Enoch--he loves placing his head near hers--sometimes a little scary, but it's really sweet.
Oh yeah, I threw this one in to show you how big I got (just before we went in to the hospital)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Baby Blues or Green-eyed Monster?

I love having Laurelyn around. She is so easy. The other kids are pretty easy too (and Enoch will be a piece of cake again, I'm sure, once we have all the doors back on [I'll have to fill everyone in on the remodeling stuff later]). I am happy. Robert is incredible. I have more than I deserve, really.

But. . . (don't tell me you didn't expect a "but" after that) there is this emotional squeezing, straining, inside of my chest. Three kids seems like the end all be all. I am now a bonifide mother--just like my own mom (not counting step-kids). There's so much that I'm never ever going to do. I was content to just dream about it all before. Stuff like Hawaiian vacations weren't supposed to be real. They were more fun to just think about, and maybe someday spend what you could spare out of your life savings to purchase, and you'd have one amazing fulfilled dream to end your life with. I went to Hawaii with my in-laws. It was beyond amazing. My in-laws are incredibly generous people. I didn't deserve it. My Dad deserved it. I hope someday I can send him.

I remember in 5th grade I had a textbook with a picture of Stonehenge on it. I imagined going there someday. It seemed like the biggest dream I could make up (Well, I also really wanted to visit Grecian and Roman ruins--for some reason I thought they were closer to Stonehenge). Now I've seen so many pictures of people I know in front of it that it's kind of lost all of its mystique.

My mom served her mission in England. Whenever she would get frustrated, she'd sing this song about how she was going back to England. It annoyed me beyond compare, but I knew she'd never go back. We'd been planning a trip to Disneyland for ten years (a place that almost received Hawaii's status on the possibility poll), there was no way she'd ever be able to go back. Besides that, we didn't fly in airplanes until I was 17, and England was much too far for a road trip. Europe was unobtainable.

Europe still is unobtainable. (Even after all of that talking with study abroad)

I tried to go to EFY--that was also too expensive--unobtainable. (But we did have some rockin' youth conferences)

Graduating? Will it ever happen? I think I'm going to have to settle for a BGS. English Major--not any time soon. (although I did have some good times at BYU)

Knowing what it's like to have time to plan a wedding? With my fiance? (Well, I hope that doesn't happen again, but it would have been nice)

Singing in the Mo Tab (or at least general conference)? Everyone else has already done it.

I won't go on--I'm sure we all get the idea. I'm just terribly jealous. It seems like I don't have that special unobtainable dream anymore. Too many people have already lived those dreams out for me! (or I'm too old, or it's already happened, or didn't go as planned. . . ) And really, who's going to go to Asia or something with 3 (or more?) kids in tow?

I guess I can cheer up knowing that I am the only person who gets to be Robert's wife; Nana's, Eenie's, and Laurelyn's mom. They are all kind of nice.

Well, all of this complaining is giving me a headache. Goodnight.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

I'm pretty much the worst parent. . .

for writing this post instead of feeding the newborn.

So. . . just to be quick:

8 lbs 9oz=big baby

I had to push more than 3 times=me big baby

Name: Laurelyn Alice changed to Elizabeth Mae then to Laurelynn Alice

Ugh. We spelled her name wrong on the birth certificate.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

No Rest for the Wicked

I honestly feel evil today. I'm not really any meaner, or louder, or dirtier, or anything like that--I'm just super lazy. I would probably commit any number of terrible atrocities if I thought they would be an end to the means--the end being a nap--or even a chance to sit down with my eyes closed for an extended period of time.

I rather dislike Thursdays. They let me know how much I depend on Robert--especially now. That man does pretty much everything but breathe for me. Alas, he 'forgot' to make me and the kids dinner ;-}. Guess I'll make pizza again tonight--or maybe spaghetti--or maybe just some cheese sticks and some apple juice.

Then again, watching Robert work makes me feel even more tired. What has he done since we've been home? (not counting taking care of the kids almost all day)

Unpacked from our trip all by himself--unless you count the three or four trips I took (we even brought a U-haul back--I told him to call someone to help, but he had it done before I could find the ward list).

Finished framing the basement except for the last wall (we need it open so we can get the tub in more easily).

Started the electrical and drywall.

Painted the new storage room floor and wall, and Moved most of the food onto the fancy new shelves from his parents.

Put in a door.

Started prepping the three bedrooms upstairs for carpeting--including shopping around for the best deal, getting my approval (no easy task), removing furniture, handling the estimate guy, and soon he'll tear up the carpets and put up the tack strips around the edges of the room and we'll (err. . . umm. . . he'll mostly) paint two of the rooms. We'll have about one day (maybe two) to put all of the furniture back before my parents come--two days before the baby--his response--'that's plenty of time.' I believe him, too. He's that crazy. He wants to get it all done before school starts again.

Later this summer he hopes to: put in a driveway, cut out two of the windows in the basement for a new guest bedroom and replace all of the others, install a tub and sink in the basement bathroom, drywall all of the walls, mud and texturize and paint the walls, install the internet downstairs, build counters in the laundry room, build a playroom under the stairs, and probably a bunch of other stuff I'm forgetting.

We had planned on a carport and a backyard fence, but I think he cut those out. Let's not loose our minds, now :D.

Oh, Oh, and I should mention--at his parents a router chewed up the top of his finger--he had 8 stitches--he's been working with that!

What have I done since we've gotten back? It seems like there should have been something. I did some nice couponing--two trips (I dropped off Robert and the kids at a park for the duration). I went to a birthday party (couldn't handle both kids, so I left Nana at home--with Robert). I put up a bulletin board (although Robert helped). I loaded the dishwasher once and unloaded it twice. I made a pizza, spaghetti, taco soup, another pizza, cheese sticks, yogurt, pudding cups, and leftovers for dinners (I also made Nana a PB&J once--but Robert's mostly done lunches). Ummmm. . . I push play on Nana's movies (when Robert doesn't). I gave the kids a bath a few times (Robert would have, but his finger. . . he still did a couple times). I did a few loads of laundry (they aren't folded yet). Well. . . you get the idea. I feel horribly lazy, and horribly bad about it, because Robert has done SO much (and a lot of it was with Eenie and Nana underfoot--Eenie is cute with a hammer). I didn't even talk about all the car stuff he's done, or the shopping, or the meetings he's had. . . Ugh, I'm going to go clean something so I don't feel as evil.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Blahdee, blahdee, blah

I'm kind of bored. I can't get motivated right now. I should be doing so much, but all I want to do is put my swollen feet up

Monday, June 22, 2009

Scared to Death

Okay, seriously, what was I thinking? I was expecting to be home this week--and maybe we would stay a little longer. Nope. We're still in Utah. Where I have no medical insurance. Where my feet keep swelling up so they look like latex gloves substituting as balloons. (I'd show a picture, but it's not something I want many people to see.) Thursday I am full term. We'll probably be home Monday. Is anybody else scared with me. I'm trying to brace myself for birth in the middle of a cornfield somewhere in Iowa.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Happy 4th Anniversary, Honey!

Isn't he cute?

A few things we've accomplished together these last four years:

Mastered the kissing thing (lol)

26 months of pregnancy

1,157 days of parenthood
Magnified 10 callings (we hope)

Took a class together (that was really fun)

Bought first car

Made it through numerous heated conversations

Went to Hawaii (thanks Mom and Dad Johnson)
Sang at the Stadium of Fire

Excelled in BYU choirs (at least one of us)

Graduated from BYU (at least one of us, again)

Took a road trip from Utah to New York to Florida and back

Bought second car

Moved across country

Bought first house

Remodeled much of that first house

Finished first year of medical school
And so much more! . . .

We may have also digressed a bit--we are certainly not as lovey-dovey as we were once, and it's not as easy to spend time together because of our increased responsibilities . . . but I love being married to you, Robert. Love-Loves.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Possibly One of the Busiest Times of My Life

Sat. Michelle came for a visit. We shopped for Robert's birthday.

Sun. was Robert's birthdayPhotobucket

Mon. and Tues. she helped Robert watch the kids while I finished up my independent study class (6 of the 8 total required lessons! in five days!). Tues. was my birthday.Photobucket

Wed. we drove her down to Pittsburgh to see the sites and take her to the airport..Photobucket

That night, some incredible friends gave me and another friend a baby shower--we were completely spoiled. (I can't wait to have a girl).

Thurs. Robert had to cram. Fri. Robert took a test.

Sat. was the primary activity. I took my midterm right after. We also realized we don't have another Sat. to see some people, so we had a very small barbecue. And we tried to clean up the house and pack.Photobucket
Sun. I had sharing time. We left after church for DC.

Mon. we met up with Michelle and Heidi (Robert's sisters) and toured two smithsonians and the Washington monument. I decided I hate walking. Heidi and Michelle watched the kids while we went stargazing. We got to see saturn and 4 of its moons. We found a really nice hotel.PhotobucketPhotobucket" border="0" />

Tues. another smithsonian, Lincoln and Jefferson monuments. Robert and Joanna went swimming, and Enoch went to sleep before 1 or 2 in the morning (for the first time in three nights).PhotobucketPhotobucket Do you like our "mommy stroller?"

Wed. Arlington, DC temple, outlets, long drive home.PhotobucketPhotobucket

Thurs. Midwife appt. (baby's breech--I have to do 10 min. exercizes 4 times a day until she flips), Alt-erior design, finalizing independent study (requested the final!), cleaning, scout meeting. Robert crams.

Fri. Robert's test--(he's taking it as a type) and hopefully cleaning and packing for our long bout in Utah. All the laundry must be done, all the floors cleaned, the dishes finished, the bathrooms scrubbed, and the fridge and pantry cupboards cleared (to avoid more ants as well as a stinky homecoming). Robert will take in the car for inspection, and mow the lawn.

Well, I best be off--we're leaving early tomorrow morning. YIKES!