Thursday, January 8, 2009

"R" Movies

are bad. I know. I made a commitment to stop watching them when I was like 16 or something, and now I can't believe I ever began watching them. They aren't worth it. Period. Most PG-13 movies aren't worth it either, and I (except once last year, and it was awful) never watch those without studying them out beforehand.

However. . . I'm a little hypocritical. Today I heard a song that reminded me of one of my all-time favorite heartwarming scenes (from an "R" movie). Soooo. . . I sought out the clip on YouTube. I've learned 2 things. Some things are better in your memories than they actually were in the beginning, and I have the hugest teenage-type crush on Hugh Grant (which is awful, because he doesn't have the cleanest background, oh well).

Anyways, it used to make me cry, but not so much right now. I do think of this clip often. It's one of those things you see that help shape you into the person you are, or at least the one you want to be. . . I want to be the man on stage, with his eyes closed, feeling a song that used to make him spout snide remarks, for a purpose he didn't know he had.

Movie: About a Boy
Background (Spoiler alert--but we all know you shouldn't be watching "R" movies anyway, so it's okay, right :D): The boy's mom is depressed. She has recently tried to commit suicide. Her favorite song is the song he's about to sing. He was going to sing it for the school talent show with a bunch of his friends playing instruments, but they decided it was too nerdy, and they chickened out. (The boy already is bullied at school). The man, Hugh Grant, has been a rich, selfish bachelor, who has never cared about others, but has sort of been chosen by this boy to be his mentor. He has previously made fun of the boy and his mom for singing this song at home and being so moved by the lyrics that they would close their eyes as they sang). Okay, I think you're up to speed. . .

Click here for the YouTube clip that I couldn't figure out how to put on here :D


Anonymous said...

I love that movie. And while I agree that rated R movies aren't always great because I really hate violent or scary movies, some rated R movies are rated R so that adults will watch them. Take the Royal Tenanbaums, for example. It's a great movie and has no reason to be rated R other than children will not understand it. And a lot of mormons watch rated R movies. I mean, Phil's favorite movie is Bravehart. So don't feel guilty about watching R movies

Anonymous said...

Well, now, just because everyone else does it...doesn't make it right. ;-) However, yeah, the R movies creep their way into our home, sometimes they aren't too bad...and other times it was a total bad choice.

HOWEVER...with that said, we watched the best movie...its "The Visitor"...go rent it out of redbox...worth the rental. it summer yet?

Anonymous said...

I'm totally with ya on the movie thing. I grew up watching R rated movies, even on Sundays sometimes! I made a promise with myself that I wouldn't watch PG-13 or R rated movies when I was in my teens.. Now I watch PG-13 movies only after checking the specific parental ratings like you. I can handle violence more than sexual scenes or language or crude humor... not that it means violence is any more acceptable. I really don't want my kids to grow up with the same exposure I had though.

I didn't really "feel" the clip, but I'm sure you can get more into it after knowing the characters better. I love how honest you are on your blog about your feelings.

Anonymous said...

I just love your honesty and I am so entertained when i read your blog. Such wit! Loved the clip. We saw the clean flicks version and I have to say I really enjoyed the movie. It was inspiring. Not like a To Kill a mockingbird or Big Country inspiring, but inspiring and a feel good. So in other words, you have good taste! Congrats on the pregnancy too. Another beautiful child to enter our midst!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, not the most amazing movie ever. . . and it is kind of hard to explain the whole back story (that clip is pretty much the end of the movie). But I still love it. I don't feel guilty about watching R movies--I just don't feel good when I have in the past. My point is that they could be totally inspiring, wholesome movies if they didn't include all of the junk in them. . . Like "About a Boy" swears a lot. That isn't something I want to hear. There's crude humor too. It makes me feel uncomfortable. The relationship between the man, the boy, and his mother--that's special. They could've focused on that more, and cut out all of the crass. Like they did in this clip. (okay, there's one minor cuss word--and I don't like it).

Anonymous said...

I agree that there are a lot of potentially inspiring R rate movies. But you're right - it's hard for me to rationalize making it through the swearing or vulgarity to get to the heart of the movie. Too bad they've shut down all the movie-editing companies. I really appreciate the editing.

Anonymous said...

Loved the clip! I am a closet Hugh fan too. I was totally dancing to the song.

Anonymous said...

You can rest easy, Ali Mae.

About a Boy isn't rated R. It's PG-13.

Check out

Anonymous said...

Silly me. . . guess I'll have to find something from Matrix or Green Mile :D.