Thursday, January 15, 2009

Yup, Bored Again

So, Robert just got a new battery for his laptop. That means that I'm free to use the desktop when he studies in the evenings. This is both good and bad news. Because Robert's in the living area, I don't want to work out there (i.e. do the dishes). I have issues with people watching me work--unless their working with me--unless their telling me what to do. Anyway, before I stoop to the level of searching random videos on YouTube all night (a recent past time of mine), I thought I might right another post.

What I'm thinking right now:
I want Brick Oven Pizza AND Root Beer. . . Right Now.

I can't believe I spelt "write" wrong just now.
Is spelt a word?
I took an English Linguistic class from Dallin H. Oaks's son.
Sometime I should right (I mean write) a brag post about all of the neat things I've done (so people could realize how cool I am, of course. . . bwah hah ha hah).
I think I've had too much sugar.
I wonder if there's any rootbeer downstairs.
Is rootbeer one word or two?
I totally saw something move out of the corner of my eye.
I am NOT going downstairs!
Darn it. I didn't switch the laundry.
I won't have clean pants for my dr appt tomorrow.
Shoot. I wish I could find where I wrote down what time my appt is.
I used to use google calendar a lot. I wish I still did.
I wonder if Robert needs a study break.
"RahhooooOOOooobert, would you mind putting the darks in the dryer for me and bringing up the lights?"
I'm so glad he didn't complain--he just said, "Sure."
I'n't he great.
There's no way I'm asking HIM if there's any rootbeer down there. :oP
He gets upset when I eat bad food.
Woe is me.
That was probably too personal to put on a blog, oh well.
I've been trying to find this cartoon forever. . . it's about a bald eagle that is so bald that when he flies, the sun reflects off his head and his bird friends all fall to the ground because they are blinded. Then there's this buffalo that has such a long beard that he can't walk around because he trips over it. They both sing this song "Woe, woe, woe is me. Things for me are as bad as can beEe." I'm sure you can guess the end of the story--the buffalo shaves his head to give the eagle a beard, and they both realize things could always be worse.

And with that, I'm going to go search random videos on YouTube all night.

P.S. If you actually read all of that--you amaze me.
P.P.S. (as in post post script--it drives me nuts when people right [uhhh. . . write] P.S.S.) If you actually read all of that, you are probably just as bored as I am. We should hang out.


Anonymous said...

I am bored! But I found your post amusing. Asher started crying and woke me up so here I am. I hope you found your wedding ring. Know what I miss? Cafe Rio. Bill and I've made replicas but they don't compare :(. When is your 3rd baby due?

Anonymous said...

Okay, maybe I am bored. I should eat breakfast.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I am so bored. At least you have a husband to keep you company though. I've been addicted to the foodnetwork the entire time I've been here because it's too cold to do anything.

Anonymous said...

I crave root beer too! Root beer floats sound so tasty at the moment. How cool that we are due so close together. I hope you are having a smoothe ride thus far.

Anonymous said...

Alice are you losing your mind? J/k
I did read the whole thing to brian I guess we should all get together right now.
Please come by as soon as you get a moment this seems urgent!!

Robert Johnson said...

Testing. . .