Thursday, March 19, 2009

I'm Laughing on the Inside. . .

Or rather. . . he, she, it is.

So. . . I finally was able to schedule an ultrasound--then I had to reschedule for a week later so Robert could be there. . . I'm almost 24 weeks. It has been hard to wait so long.

We took the kids so they could see the baby, and so they could be there when we found out if they were having a brother or a sister.

So the answer to the poll is. . . It's not Both--It's NEITHER!--(uncooperative/modest/sleeping may also be used).

Fortunately, he, she, it did not let the technician see the spine well enough either--so we get to go back in two more weeks (so long?)--and see if the baby will show something.

I think we might have gone during naptime--no matter how much the technician bounced that proby-thingy into my bladder, the baby WOULD NOT move. At first I was a little worried that it wasn't alive, that is until I saw it had a good heartbeat. Odd, because it likes to kick me quite a lot otherwise.

Anyways--here's the pic we got. (I think UVRMC has higher technology). Does it look like a boy or a girl to you?


MandBfamerly said...

It has to be a girl, look how stubborn ;). Hopefully next time.

Levi and Suzi said...

I was going to say that it had to be a boy because it was so stubborn, but now I realize that usually, boys are little exhibitionists. So, I think it's a girl, too, and when she's 16 you'll be glad she's so shy. :)

Levi and Suzi said...

Oh, and I LOVE your cute birdie background!

Chelsea said...

Oh that's frustrating not to find out - I would of made you run a lap around the hospital and then come back and take a look:) That is lucky you get to come back to see the spine anyways - can't wait to find out what it is!

Andy and Micah said...

Well that is a sure sign of a girl Amerie was the same way. They made me roll over as far as I could on my tummy and sit there until she decided to move. So I tell ya you have to be having a girl.

editor said...

I feel your pain! On Monday when we had our ultrasound our baby had her hand in the way nearly the whole time. At the very, very end she moved just so. I vote girl.

Cicely said...

Bummer! Suzi is right- it's a stubborn little man. She is also right about the birdie.

Blatter said...

HMMM. I am thinking it is a girl too. Love the new blog look! And also, one of my favorite outfits is that shirt Graham is in with the birthday hat. (The old navy one you gave him). I have him wear it so much, Ricky asked why that is the only outfit Graham is ever in!!!! HAHAHA! Can't wait to hear the real gender!