Thursday, April 9, 2009

I am SooooooOooo Hungry

We used to have a rule that we wouldn't eat past 7:30--it was good for us. I would feel sick all night long when I broke it--kind of like when I drink soda. That rule is one of the first to go when I have a baby in my belly.

I've been busy tonight, and since Robert was gone, and Eenie had leftovers (Nana wasn't feeling up to eating anything more than bread and juice tonight), I forgot to make myself dinner. I need to start getting ready for bed, but all I can think about are the immitation oreo cookies way up high above the kitchen pantry cupboard. . .


Kira said...

imitation oreo cookies?!? oh girl ... that's so wrong on so many levels. you deserve/no need the real thing!!!

Alice said...

:D. Yeah. . . but I'm too cheap.