Thursday, June 4, 2009

My First Paycheck

I've never ever had a job. Sad, huh? I always feel silly when I would have to write up a resume in my English classes at BYU. My references would pretty much be people from church and school (and in the beginning, I still used the four families that I babysat for--each only once or twice). It's not that I didn't work. My family had a cafe for awhile, and I was a cook. I didn't get a salary so much as an allowance--$10 a week--and that was more than I needed. . . . I also gained a healthy dislike for greasy hamburgers and french fries (or "freedom fries" as my dad began calling them--it was a little embarrassing).

Yadda, yadda, yadda . . .

Anyways, what I was getting at is I FINALLY GOT A REAL PAYCHECK! my client even sent me a five dollar tip! Alt-erior Design has started to pay off :D. I guess that means I'm an entrepreneur. Sounds fancy ;D. I almost feel like I should wear a suit jacket or something.

AAAAAND . . . there's another client's check on the way! It's not going to pay off Robert's loans a year sooner or anything, but maybe I can find some more maternity clothes. One day I'll make the website bigger and post more often, but that day is not today--or any day in June--or July.


Andy and Micah said...

Congrats, Use the money to get something for you, you deserve it!

Elizabeth said...

That is AWESOME!!! You do such a good job, and I love looking at your work. I wish I was making money too! I've got adsense on my blog, and so far I've made a total $3.35. In about a month :)

Katherine said...

Woohoo!! Don't forget to pay your very own tithing. :)

MandBfamerly said...

That is awesome!
It feels good to have a job huh.
Cant wait to see you guys.

Brittney said...

sweet. Even better that you enjoy it.

Cicely said...

sweet lou.