Friday, June 5, 2009

Happy 4th Anniversary, Honey!

Isn't he cute?

A few things we've accomplished together these last four years:

Mastered the kissing thing (lol)

26 months of pregnancy

1,157 days of parenthood
Magnified 10 callings (we hope)

Took a class together (that was really fun)

Bought first car

Made it through numerous heated conversations

Went to Hawaii (thanks Mom and Dad Johnson)
Sang at the Stadium of Fire

Excelled in BYU choirs (at least one of us)

Graduated from BYU (at least one of us, again)

Took a road trip from Utah to New York to Florida and back

Bought second car

Moved across country

Bought first house

Remodeled much of that first house

Finished first year of medical school
And so much more! . . .

We may have also digressed a bit--we are certainly not as lovey-dovey as we were once, and it's not as easy to spend time together because of our increased responsibilities . . . but I love being married to you, Robert. Love-Loves.


Julie said...

What a cute couple you guys are! Congrats on 4 years.

MandBfamerly said...

Congratulations you two. I know you will share many more years.

Katherine said...

Dang, you've accomplished a lot. I've only been married 6 months less than you and we haven't done that much. I'm jealous. :) Time sure does go by quickly, though!

Brittney said...

hehe, so that kiss right there is only like your second time kissing or something like that, right? How funny to have it on film. I know I didn't know how to pucker up at first either :)

Congrats on four years! That's a lot of time spent pregnant!

Kira said...

lovey dovey??? what's that? LOL. happy anniversary!!!

Robert Johnson said...

As far as accomplishments go, there is nothing I could ever do that would even come close to having children. Thanks for being such a wonderful wife and mother. I love you and look forward to an eternity together. Love, Robert

jolyne77 said...

thats awesome, no need to be idle, right? lol. congrats on a wonderful marriage and family!!!