Happy Birthday to Enoch. I really only ever call him Eenie online anymore. He really is getting big. He frequently empties and sometimes even loads the dishwasher for me. He also often dumps water all over the place--including on his sisters, but that's another story ;).
I'm a little sad because I'll miss hearing him say, "Mom, am I five yet?" He's been kind of excited to turn five, I guess. I think a proper translation would be, "Mom, am I big yet?" He knows you have to be five to go to school.
Sunday, May 5, 2013
I'm going to BYU again. Robert is doing what he can to hold his own up in Rapid City with a seven year old, while I finish my dream to graduate. . . yeah, it's been a few years since high school. . . ummmm. . . nine. Anyway. I. LOVE. IT. HERE. I'm so busy, but feeling so fulfilled. I learned how to pray in Spanish today. What other college could you go to where the language classes asked you to pray in the language? So cool. It would be nice if I still had friends here, is all. . . but the other students here are still pretty cool, and I'm not so old that they don't know I'm older than they are ;).
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
TV of the Past
Netflix has "Bobby's World." My kids are watching it for the first time today. It's kind of an annoying show, actually--especially his sibs. I don't think it will be on much in our house. I remember watching it all the time as a child, though. Explains a lot, I guess.
I specifically remember watching it in the hospital room right before I went in to get my tonsils out. The things you remember. I did NOT, however, remember that Bobby's dad (Howard) was Howie Mandel, or that Howie ever had that hairstyle. PS, I think Bobby's mom is a great example of a thick Wisconsin accent, don'cha know.

I specifically remember watching it in the hospital room right before I went in to get my tonsils out. The things you remember. I did NOT, however, remember that Bobby's dad (Howard) was Howie Mandel, or that Howie ever had that hairstyle. PS, I think Bobby's mom is a great example of a thick Wisconsin accent, don'cha know.

Monday, February 4, 2013
Hey, look, I changed the title pic.
I think I want to start blogging again. Maybe. My calling is to be a Mia Maid advisor, so I teach the YW lessons on Sundays. Best. Calling. Ever. Anyway, with the new lesson plans, we're supposed to have the YW really do the teaching, and we just kind of facilitate the discussion. I love it so much. One of the lessons, we talked about how to make prayer more meaningful in order to feel closer to Heavenly Father, and journaling was brought up. I used to journal. I think I want to do it again. I think I will. I'm going to try the blog to keep up one.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Okay, maybe not quite elated, but for no explicable reason I feel pretty good right now. Possible reasons may include:
Lolly fell asleep by herself in the living room--curled up all cute, naked, and covered in green marker (thank you so much Danielle for telling me about washable markers) on the white armchair, and smelling strongly of my favorite bath and bodyworks hand sanitizer, of which she is holding the now-empty bottle. But she smells absolutely delicious, and I am so happy to have a little smelly kid with so much curly hair and marker marks. I snatched her up and stuck her in her bed before the other kids woke her up--just in time, too. Enoch and Nana ran up right after I closed the door. Someone hit someone, and they made up and stopped crying much more quickly than usual--so that was nice. And since Levi is also asleep, I have appx 2 HOURS all to myself! (*insert crazy lady laugh right here) It was a nice break from what normally happens in the afternoon. (Even if I was scared sick that I couldn't find Lolly anywhere for a few minutes.)
I was able to go crafting today. I met two new people, and found out that Karie, whom I met on Sunday, is super cool. Seriously. You should see the pictures of the cakes she has made. I told her I want to be her best friend. She said that would be fine. lol
Robert watched the kids while I was out, apparently they had a lot of fun outside in the hammock and even played soccer, and he made zupa tuscana (or however you spell it) for me for lunch--and plenty of leftovers for dinner. YAY! He does make a mean bowl of zuppa toscana. . . even if he won't get home until 11:30 tonight. Again.
Last night Robert asked me out on a date to Waldameer tomorrow. He set up sitters and everything. I didn't even have to prompt him or anything! I don't think he's EVER done that before. Not even before we were married! (Okay, maybe he did then, but I'm not so sure. . .)
I tried the "waterfall braid" on myself today, and it was WAY easier than it looked like it would be. My hair isn't as straight as the lady in the tutorial, so it isn't quite the same, but it's all good. I curled mine just a little, and I really love the way it turned out. I'll be doing it again. For Sure. Oh, and I finally got my eyeshadow to do the things I've been trying for. I was HOT today--if I do say so myself.
Let's see. . . and I got an email from Kathy saying to come up with ideas for Super Saturday (I'm on the RS board). That is my FAVORITE thing to do--looking up crafting possibilities. And I got a phonecall from my friend asking if I could help with a RS activity. That's great too (both the phonecall and the assignment). Oh yeah, and Robert let me have the laptop today, which is so much faster than our desktop, and has one note and some other neat programs that I'm lovin'. I'm REALLY excited about that program. My life might actually start having some order from it! Especially my school life. Aaaaand, I just got on to google +, which so far I think is more awesome than facebook--I think, okay, I'm still on the fence, but it is pretty neat. I guess it's kind of like facebook and blogger combined, which is kind of nice. . . and of course, discovering pinterest a week or so ago has changed my life! Shoot, digital technology right now is SO fun!
Lolly fell asleep by herself in the living room--curled up all cute, naked, and covered in green marker (thank you so much Danielle for telling me about washable markers) on the white armchair, and smelling strongly of my favorite bath and bodyworks hand sanitizer, of which she is holding the now-empty bottle. But she smells absolutely delicious, and I am so happy to have a little smelly kid with so much curly hair and marker marks. I snatched her up and stuck her in her bed before the other kids woke her up--just in time, too. Enoch and Nana ran up right after I closed the door. Someone hit someone, and they made up and stopped crying much more quickly than usual--so that was nice. And since Levi is also asleep, I have appx 2 HOURS all to myself! (*insert crazy lady laugh right here) It was a nice break from what normally happens in the afternoon. (Even if I was scared sick that I couldn't find Lolly anywhere for a few minutes.)
I was able to go crafting today. I met two new people, and found out that Karie, whom I met on Sunday, is super cool. Seriously. You should see the pictures of the cakes she has made. I told her I want to be her best friend. She said that would be fine. lol
Robert watched the kids while I was out, apparently they had a lot of fun outside in the hammock and even played soccer, and he made zupa tuscana (or however you spell it) for me for lunch--and plenty of leftovers for dinner. YAY! He does make a mean bowl of zuppa toscana. . . even if he won't get home until 11:30 tonight. Again.
Last night Robert asked me out on a date to Waldameer tomorrow. He set up sitters and everything. I didn't even have to prompt him or anything! I don't think he's EVER done that before. Not even before we were married! (Okay, maybe he did then, but I'm not so sure. . .)
I tried the "waterfall braid" on myself today, and it was WAY easier than it looked like it would be. My hair isn't as straight as the lady in the tutorial, so it isn't quite the same, but it's all good. I curled mine just a little, and I really love the way it turned out. I'll be doing it again. For Sure. Oh, and I finally got my eyeshadow to do the things I've been trying for. I was HOT today--if I do say so myself.
Let's see. . . and I got an email from Kathy saying to come up with ideas for Super Saturday (I'm on the RS board). That is my FAVORITE thing to do--looking up crafting possibilities. And I got a phonecall from my friend asking if I could help with a RS activity. That's great too (both the phonecall and the assignment). Oh yeah, and Robert let me have the laptop today, which is so much faster than our desktop, and has one note and some other neat programs that I'm lovin'. I'm REALLY excited about that program. My life might actually start having some order from it! Especially my school life. Aaaaand, I just got on to google +, which so far I think is more awesome than facebook--I think, okay, I'm still on the fence, but it is pretty neat. I guess it's kind of like facebook and blogger combined, which is kind of nice. . . and of course, discovering pinterest a week or so ago has changed my life! Shoot, digital technology right now is SO fun!
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Tooele Museum
Anniversary #6
Robert's Mom watched the kids so we could go out. We got our favorite icecreams at the Dairy Keen in Heber, and then we were off to Park City!
Robert really wanted to go on the Alpine Slide--so I agreed. I was scared, but I agreed.
Getting ready to go.

So far I survived the lift ride. . .

See how much more relaxed he is than me? lol
It wasn't too bad, though. I actually really liked it. Just not the price ;D.

You can't go to Park City without window shopping. Loosey Moosey had a makeover since we saw her last. . .

These two look about the same, though.

MMMMMmmmmm. Mainstreet Pizza and Noodle. So Good!

The lighting was pretty good too.

Robert really wanted to go on the Alpine Slide--so I agreed. I was scared, but I agreed.

So far I survived the lift ride. . .

See how much more relaxed he is than me? lol

You can't go to Park City without window shopping. Loosey Moosey had a makeover since we saw her last. . .

These two look about the same, though.

MMMMMmmmmm. Mainstreet Pizza and Noodle. So Good!

The lighting was pretty good too.

All in all it was a great day. And we went dancing that night--which was a BLAST! But, we don't have any pics of that :/.
I have so much to do
There's so much I want to blog, study, create, clean, that I am paralyzed by the thought of all of it. I need to make a list. This is a good enough place to do it, right?
Complete Independent Study course
Catch up in Journal (I'm 4 weeks behind.)
Blog Trip to Utah
Create Travel Books
Create bathroom sign
Send signs to family
Clean some more.
Now, where to start! I honestly can't figure it out.
Complete Independent Study course
Catch up in Journal (I'm 4 weeks behind.)
Blog Trip to Utah
Create Travel Books
Create bathroom sign
Send signs to family
Clean some more.
Now, where to start! I honestly can't figure it out.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Anything New?
Not really. That's why I haven't been posting again. That, and soon we'll be going on "vacation" for a month (a rotation in Provo), so I probably won't be posting much then either. It will be nice to take a breather. A breather from what, exactly, I don't know.
Since I've been in a really rotten mood lately, I'm a little worried that I'm going to do something stupid or say something stupid--especially on here--so I'm just not going to say anything more for awhile. Here's some pictures. Not even new ones. Just some pictures.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Nana's Birthday. . . still catching up
Catching up on April: Nana Turns 5!
It took me forever to find the energy to throw her a party, but it turned out really nice. We had a Tangled theme. Rapunzel reminds me a lot of Nana: never cutting her long blonde hair--but when she did, it turned brown; climbing everywhere; I used to braid her hair a lot, or it would get into things; she sings really well, and a lot; she also has an evil fake mother and magical healing powers (okay, maybe not those last two, but I AM in love with how awesomely wicked the mother is--such a great character).
I used a bunch of +ups and bought her an awesome tower tent thingy for pretty cheap at Rite Aid. I thought it was perfect. The girls all pretended to be princesses. It looked like they had a lot of fun. Although, one of the girls ate all of Nan's easter candy when no one was looking. That made Nana kind of sad. Poor girl. I was fine with getting the candy out of the house, though!
It took me forever to find the energy to throw her a party, but it turned out really nice. We had a Tangled theme. Rapunzel reminds me a lot of Nana: never cutting her long blonde hair--but when she did, it turned brown; climbing everywhere; I used to braid her hair a lot, or it would get into things; she sings really well, and a lot; she also has an evil fake mother and magical healing powers (okay, maybe not those last two, but I AM in love with how awesomely wicked the mother is--such a great character).
I used a bunch of +ups and bought her an awesome tower tent thingy for pretty cheap at Rite Aid. I thought it was perfect. The girls all pretended to be princesses. It looked like they had a lot of fun. Although, one of the girls ate all of Nan's easter candy when no one was looking. That made Nana kind of sad. Poor girl. I was fine with getting the candy out of the house, though!
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