Sunday, May 5, 2013


I'm going to BYU again. Robert is doing what he can to hold his own up in Rapid City with a seven year old, while I finish my dream to graduate. . . yeah, it's been a few years since high school. . . ummmm. . . nine. Anyway. I. LOVE. IT. HERE. I'm so busy, but feeling so fulfilled. I learned how to pray in Spanish today. What other college could you go to where the language classes asked you to pray in the language? So cool. It would be nice if I still had friends here, is all. . . but the other students here are still pretty cool, and I'm not so old that they don't know I'm older than they are ;).

1 comment:

Na said...

Haha. Ali Mae you make me laugh. We sure had some good times there. Miss you. You are going to do awesome!