Saturday, August 30, 2008

Camping near Montour Falls

What a nice camping trip. We didn't have time to hike and see all of the waterfalls. (We saw three nice ones on the side of the road). We are going to come back when we have more time. It is such a gorgeous area.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Corning Museum of Glass

We were headed to the Stake Temple trip in Palmyra, and decided to leave a day early so we could go camping and see this neat museum that a friend from Robert's class had mentioned. We got to Corning (aka the "crystal city") later than we hoped. So, we stopped by the gift shop and planned to visit the museum later (Of course the gift shop was enough--we spent an hour there). We took a few brochures. It looks like you can blow your own glass--something Robert and I have always wanted to do. We will definitely be coming back!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Lemon Meringue Pie

So, lately most of my "always wanted to do" things involve food. I really wanted to make lemon meringue pie. (The meringue part is what I was most curious about.) It was so good, I can't even tell you. My specialty has always been pumpkin pie--straight from the pumpkin. Now I think I'll have to make this my specialty. Just writing this blog is making me hungry for some.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Crawling Like Crazy

Eenie's really starting to get into things. We have to especially put away shoes and wires because he always find them. One day our house was clean, err, at least nothing was on the floor, and so he found the chair leg to gnaw on. Yum.

Bath Boy

Too cute to not post.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Swamp FHE

For family home evening we headed to the swamp. (Actually it's this education-themed nature preserve called Asbury Park that includes a swamp and a long trail.) It was fun to watch Joanna chase Robert along the boardwalk. It is a very nice place. We'll have to come back when they are open so we can see inside the building and learn something about the area's ecosystem.
Joanna hit a milestone here. We asked her to smile for a picture and she finally did! She kind of pressed her lips together and pushed up her chin until the corners of her mouth forced her cheeks back. At least it's pretty close to a smile. You can see what I mean in the pic. It wasn't a fluke, either, she kept "smiling" for most of our pictures.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Comfy Couch

We updated our plaid couch. (We bought it from the lady that used to live in our house--it is really nice and clean, but not very, um, well it's better now.) I love that Robert sews stuff. I had him make these pillow covers. (the blue fabric is perfect! We found it at Wal-Mart for 1$ a yard. I might make valances out of it too.
) We'll add butons or something later to the blue ones, and maybe some round pillows, but for now I think this looks great. Over Labor day weekend we are going to try to replace the floor. I'm so excited. Everything is coming together. All we need to do now is finalize where we want to put up pictures, build some bookshelves, and find some more seating. Uhhh. . . there's probably lots more I'll think of doing, though, so we will probably never really finish ;P

Our First Company (unless you count missionaries and family members)

We were so glad that the Keith's could come and share dinner with us. They let us stay at their house when we were moving here and when we came house hunting (already super sweet, but it gets better. David only met Robert once before, and I didn't know either of them. As if that weren't enough, they weren't even home! They just sort of gave us their house while they went to Utah.) So, we wanted to have them over. Dinner was great. Robert made BBQ chicken, cornbread and jello. It was nice of him to cook. And the Keith's brought this amazing green bean and bacon thing (that I am definitely going to make later) and some super sweet cherry tomatoes. We had a lot of fun. Their kids are super, super cute. Joanna had to show Gracie all of the house--she even took her downstairs and they played with the broken telephone. I hope we can have them over again soon.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Ward Potluck

Robert and I are on the activities committee. This was the first activity we helped with. It was a lot of fun. We were worried there wouldn't be enough food (especially since my only real job was to pass around sign-up sheets). I felt really silly for worrying so much, though, because there was a TON of food. It helped that a mass email was sent to the ward to remind them to bring food, whether or not they had signed up. The ward did great bringing stuff in. I was so grateful!

Some Guy I Dated (ie Making fun of Robert)

Sometimes I wonder what my old boyfriend is up to (although he never let me call him that). I remember he was way into medieval things, had a collection of old blankets that he made himself, sewed his own scrubs, had a sense of humor like Strong Bad (sometimes a voice like him too), wouldn't watch all of The Lord of the Rings because it was too violent, and still lived with his mom. Here's the good part. He's the one who broke up with ME! Alas, he's probably going to turn out to be a billionare like Bill Gates. He was super smart. Ay me. (PS, everyone can tell this is Robert, right?) (PPS, This post was his idea.)

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Celebrate Erie

They closed off a few blocks downtown over the weekend for this giant city party. (Seriously, it was HUGE. And by nightfall the whole place was so packed we had a hard time getting out of there.) "The Foreigner" played (don't ask me, my favorite musical group was probably "Barney and Friends" the same time this band was popular, but a lot of people seemed excited about them). It was a lot of fun (and apparently we missed all the good stuff like the children's museum games because we got there so late, and the fireworks because they were on Sunday). They had a chalk walk all down one block. The pictures were pretty neat--there are some really good artists here. Next year we'll have to do more there.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Chic Insomniac

Funniest thing all week! Joanna was supposed to be sleeping. Apparently, she got into her toy chest instead. Her room had been clean. Anyway, when I went in to check on her, I found this mess and her in bed. I was about to chastise her, when she sleepily threw off her blanket and sat up looking like this! I busted out laughing. She cries if we turn off her light before she is asleep, but maybe it is too bright for her. Sunglasses are a good solution, I guess.

Po' Boy

I'm really proud of Robert. He has been doing great at LECOM. He studies so hard. He makes sure that he doesn't study on Sunday still. I have to say, I didn't think he could pull it off, but he really has--and I love that all of Sunday feels normal--like it did before all this crazy med school stuff. Here he is studying late Saturday night for a test on Monday.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Side Effects of Medical School

Here's an example of Robert after his first two weeks of medical school. He's spent a lot of time trying to memorize every part of the human body; so he's been in his room with no company except his anatomy books--need I say more.

Sad Goodbyes

It happened. Michelle had to leave us. We won't see her again for almost 2 years or longer. It was sad to see her go, but we are way excited for her to serve in Brussels. And when we see her again I'm sure she'll have some wonderful stories to tell us! 'Till then, we'll just have to get used to missing her terribly. Blah.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Good Food, Good Friends

We had a special cast-off party for Michelle. (We even busted out the schlur--sparkling cider to those of you less savvy [meaning any of you that are not Gardners]). I always wanted to make manicotti. . . and I still do. I accidentally made some beefy stuffed shells, instead of manicotti. Oh well. Now I don't have to wonder about what it's like to make beefy stuffed shells. They were good, way too salty with too much nutmeg, but otherwise the were superb.

Enoch's 1st Swimsuit

We went to the beach with Michelle and the kids. (Mainly because Robert kept reminiding us to go. He would have been dissappointed if we hadn't.) Lots of sand, lots of fun. The day before we got Eenie this cute beach ensemble. I think orange might be his color. He was too gorgeous. He's either bored or trying to eat the camera here. It was a long day, and he got hungry.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Our Yard Has the Blues

Hooray for Craig's List! This wonderful, thoughtful young lady put a free swingset online. We nabbed it as soon as we could. Joanna loves it. Every time she uses it she gets a stick to make sure there aren't any spiderwebs. We've noticed that our yard is turning blue. We have a blue hammock, blue swings, blue camp chairs and a blue shed. If we paint the other shed blue, only the plants won't be blue in our yard! (Our house and even our trash cans are also blue).

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Presque Isle

Sunday it stormed. We took Michelle to see the beach, but the storm brought in a bunch of garbage. There were dead fish everywhere and a dead bird we figured must have drowned in the storm and then washed up on shore. It was a little creepy.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Palmyra and the Temple

Robert and I haven't been able to go to the temple for a long time. Things got way too busy with school and the kids and then moving. However, since Michelle was here, we were able to take a babysitter with us instead of having to leave the kids for eight hours (six hours driving), which is something difficult for a nursing mother. Before we did a session, Michelle went in and we waited for her by taking a stroll through the sacred grove.

The Spirit is strong here. It feels as if Joseph Smith saw Jesus Christ and the Father only a week ago instead of coming on two centuries.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Little Italy, Erie

In honor of our Italian sister, we went to Erie's Little Italy for their Italian festival and Procession of the Virgin. We didn't stay long, but it was neat to see the people there. There was a casino in the church basement and a raffle that included a party pack with hard liquors. A little different than the church functions we're used to.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Michelle and Kirtland

Michelle came to visit us before she goes to serve a mission in Brussels, Belgium. Robert had school, so I went and picked her up from the Cleveland airport. (I only got lost once. . . hee, hee) We stopped in Kirtland and took the tour. (Kirtland is a place in Ohio where the early members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints gathered together). It is so good to be with Michelle.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Mish Dish

We had the missionaries over for dinner (this is actually the 2nd time). We had fun. They are really funny. Early Joanna, Eenie, and I went to the beach with a group of women from church--but I forgot my camera (sad day).

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Peanut Pork BBQ with Raisins

Robert wanted BBQ for Sunday Dinner. We didn't have any BBQ sauce. . . so I did the best I could. Usually you use brown sugar, ketchup and mustard for BBQ. I had maple syrup, ketchup and honey mustard. It ended up smelling oriental so I added peanuts and raisins. It was pretty good. Next time I won't put ketchup in it, though.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

"Breaking Dawn" at midnight

So we all had fun going to the "Breaking Dawn" party. It's another one of those things I've always wanted to do--go to a midnight premier. I went with Cicely Cain and Emily Hurst, and at the end we met some of the other girls from church. I loved the book. I stayed up late each night so I could read it without the kids needing me. Edward and Bella make me so happy. Their romance is something special and it reminds me how special my own is with Robert. In fact, if Robert were a vampire. . . well, maybe I shouldn't finish that thought.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Lecom Luau

There are so many cool people here. We went to a luau for the LECOM students. Don't Eenie and Daddy look fantastic. The friends in these pictures are also from church. We've felt so welcome here. After the luau some of us went to the beach. Joanna just played on her own in the sand. She loves the beach.