Saturday, August 23, 2008

Some Guy I Dated (ie Making fun of Robert)

Sometimes I wonder what my old boyfriend is up to (although he never let me call him that). I remember he was way into medieval things, had a collection of old blankets that he made himself, sewed his own scrubs, had a sense of humor like Strong Bad (sometimes a voice like him too), wouldn't watch all of The Lord of the Rings because it was too violent, and still lived with his mom. Here's the good part. He's the one who broke up with ME! Alas, he's probably going to turn out to be a billionare like Bill Gates. He was super smart. Ay me. (PS, everyone can tell this is Robert, right?) (PPS, This post was his idea.)


Anonymous said...

Don't worry...we all wonder what happened to our old boyfriends sometimes. (even if we won't admit it) Just be glad you found Robert....or you guys would probably still live with that guys mom! AH!

Anonymous said...

hahaha... It wouldn't have been that bad. His mom is super nice.

Anonymous said...

Ok, so I read this blog a while ago and I was so confused. I'm glad you cleared things up (for us slow peeps) I though it looked like Robert. ha ha. Plus Dan and I lived with his parents up until last month.