Sunday, May 9, 2010


AKA: Best April Fool's joke ever. . . (I'll explain later)

My life has been full of surprizes lately. . .

Surprize #1 I'm writing a blog post!

#2 Because of a really spiritual experience, I was sure I was pregnant back at the end of Jan, but the tests came back neg.

#3 I got down to my pre-Lolly weight again! (If only pre-Lolly was the same as pre-Enoch/Nana)

#4 I gained 5lbs back, and I'm betting on gaining more :P.

#5 Both of our cars died on the same day.

#6 The Lord loves us. (Maybe shouldn't be surprizing, but sometimes it is. . . )

#7 I've been facing impossibly problematic bloating and inexplicable sleep needs. (It's been bad. Robert had to push me out of the bed one morning--it was horrible.)

#8 I'm starting to doubt the competency of both birth control and pregnancy tests. I'm not sure why I use either of them ;D.

#9 I'm over 3 months pregnant! (Don't feel bad if you didn't know--I just found out a few weeks ago myself.) (Oh, and in case you've lost count--that's #4 for us.)

Happy Mother's Day Everyone!


Tarmy said...

Congratulations Ali Mae! I hope your pregnancy symptoms only get less from here on out... Ü

Someone from our ward here is headed out there for school soon,... but I can't remember who it is now. I"m sure you'll meet them.

Katherine said...


Julie said...

I really like this post. :) Congrats and Happy Mother's Day!

Jewmormondruggist said...

Wow, that's pretty crazy! I would say that if your birth control is not working so well, it's time to switch. Or tell robert to get a vasactomy. Haha!

Brittney said...

I had all but given up on your blog, but I guess three kids with a fourth on the way explains everything :) Congrats!!