Friday, November 7, 2008

I LOVE my mom

My mom is so good. I was totally going to blog about how awful my life is, how nerdy I am, how depressing it is to be me. . . (don't tell me you haven't felt that way). Anyway, just before I posted about a page and a half of "it's not worth it to get out of bed," "I'm not qualified to be a wife/mother/friend," and "woe is me," my mom called.

As you can see, I did NOT post the first post.

Mom makes me feel so much better. I feel awkward sometimes--like when people find out how old I am. Especially when they know that I have two kids. I was feeling totally inadequate about being a parent (or anything, really)--and SUPER uncomfortable about facing any new social settings where I would feel that way again.

Leave it to mom. Somehow she took me out of a deep funk of self-pity (seriously, there were tears--and I'm not the type that cries easily), and she reminded me that I am a cool person/friend/wife/mother. I make mistakes (and I really totally am a nerd), but when my heart is in the right place--the rest of me will be too.



Anonymous said...

Good points. You are an awesome person. Isn't it amazing how we have the choice of attitude every day? We can let things roll off our backs, move on, and resolve to do better... or we can cause ourselves much more misery. Of course everyone is going to indulge in self-pity once in a while, but thank goodness for moms and friends who help us remember who we really are.

Anonymous said...

Thats what moms are for. Ali Mae, you are amazing. You know, when I first met you I thought you were way older, not because of your looks, but because you were so mature. And don't worry, I'm here to be a nerd with you. : )

Anonymous said...

Reading your posts just makes me love you more Ali Mae. Why didn't we hang out more when we were in wymount? Oh yeah because the all the other stuff that happens in life. You really are one of the coolest though. Thanks for always lifting me up through your posts! You say it how it is and I love that. Moms really are the best. Oh and you read my kleenex post so you know what a nerd I am.

Anonymous said...

Are you freekin' kidding me Ali-Mae!? You are one of the coolest, or I wouldn't be friends with you, and though that might sound a little arrogant...its not...I'm very particular and a hella-good judge in you just shut your pretty little trap! ;-) Not only are you genuinely beautiful (inside and out), you have gorgeous children, a good hubby, an eternal family, education, the most awesome red hair...AND your young...seriously, thats so have a jump start on the rest of us! I'd LOVE to have started this journey younger. Now I'm some ol' fart of 31 thinkin' she's young enough to have babies...and a husband in gradschool.

We have good lives my friend. And I'm super glad you have a cool mom too...not all of us are that fortunate. ;-)

When you comin' over this week anyhow?

Anonymous said...

I love you guys.

Anonymous said...

Yeah I love my mom too! I think that why we are nerds is because we get it from her! recently, home life is incoperating...Should have had a the commercial where the dog hits the kid in the head for making the wrong anytime dad says something stupid...or he should have done something else mom goes..."shoulda had a v8. and taps him on on the head...."
sorry you are gets hard soemtiems...most of the tiems...whatever...i give not really

Anonymous said...

Okay so I feel totally guilty because I told Michelle that you were 22 and I hope that wasn't what started this. The truth is that I'm jealous. In my mind I'm totally 21 forever. It's amazing to me all that you've accomplished and that you are so good at it all. Please don't take it any differently. I think you're awesome!

Anonymous said...

Awww... Deanne, totally wasn't you. I was actually referring to something else that happened with a mom I met in public (I made the mistake of using teenage-ish slang, and she asked me how old I was. We were hitting it off until then). The only thing mentioning it to Michelle did was REMIND me about the awkward situation. I didn't feel like you two were judging me AT ALL! But thanks for the compliment. It makes me feel better too...

Anonymous said...

Okay makes me feel a little better. BTW - I've realized that people are all going to have their judgements (and weirdly enough they express them too). When I was pregnant with Addie (at 28) my LDS friends thought I was ancient and couldn't believe I didn't have kids and my non-LDS friends thought I was too young and didn't see why I was hurrying to have kids. When I mentioned that I'd like at least 4 kids they about died! I seriously felt awkward in every situation until I just realized that everyone is different and they do what works for them. Sorry though for bringing up the feelings. I would never want to make you feel that way. Okay - end of my soapbox. :)