Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I Am Pathetic: A Confession

I feel like a do a relatively decent job on my VTing. . . at least I did until today. I've only really been contacting the active sisters on my list. Yesterday, one of the other sisters came to church, but I didn't know it was her until she had left. Then today, I got a call letting me know that the other sister is going in for surgery! I felt awful! I should have been the one letting others know that she needed surgery. . . how horrible.

Anyway. . . this was actually the month that my companion and I were going to try harder to see them (pshhhaw--didn't/won't happen this month). . . so that made me feel a little better--but I still hadn't contacted them: I didn't know what to say. "Hi, this is Ali Mae Johnson, you don't know me, but I'm your VTer." Well, that's basically what I did say. . . and my sisters are AWESOME! I talked with both of them for quite awhile (both have been major sick, and I really could/SHOULD have helped them. . . but I'll make sure I'm there for them next time). I'm really looking forward to getting to know them better. I kind of assumed they would reject me or something, but they so totally did not!


Brittney said...

I had the same experience with my first inactive sister. I was worried about rejection, but she's actually the happiest to see us every month.

Katherine said...

You're such a good person. I've been here four months and I am secretly SO grateful that they have not asked me to be a visiting teacher yet.