Sunday, April 26, 2009


I just wanted to let everyone know how happy I am. Robert has been so good lately. The kids have been so good lately. I've been so good lately (lol). Friends have been so good lately. Times have been so good lately. The weather has been so good lately. . . and. . . WE'RE HAVIN' ANOTHER BABY!!! Can I just rewind the past two days and live them forever? Pleeeeeeease? (Okay, I would take out the backpain, the restless nights, a less-than-great haircut, and some unfortunate things that happened to some friends, and then I would add a BBQ with all of the friends we weren't able to see (pretty much everyone of them)--but other than that. . .)

Here's some pics so you can see how happy we are (basically everything is on Saturday, becuase I wasn't too dizzy or tired that day, but Friday was awesome too--Robert played in the backyard with the kids and I swung in the hammock--then we rented "Fireproof"--totally cheesy, but it left me wanting to be so much better--I highly recommend it).
The wind was perfect--no running involved :D.

Enoch likes to pick up rocks at the beach and throw them in the water--just like big sis.


(Another one of our self-portraits. . . lol. . . we'll get it down someday :D--maybe if I would actually edit my pictures. . .or stop wearing glasses. . . or not make Robert look directly into the sun. . . [*post lost to incoherent mutterings]. . .)


Andy and Micah said...

Don't you just love perfect days like that. It seem to make those days that aren't so perfect a little easier to get through. And I think you look cute with your glasses

Katherine said...

WOW. That picture of Eenie in the air is amazing. I'm glad you're happy.

MandBfamerly said...

It looks like a ton of fun!!!
I miss you guys We need to visit or something.
Hope you will get more great days like this.

Louise said...

It's amazing how much good weather affects my mood. I would know living in the dark and cool Seattle area.

Kira said...

looks like you guys had an awesome time!