Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Mine, Me, Myself, and I

So a few weeks ago in church, this amazing sister (Julia Reynolds) made a really good point--and I've been thinking about it ever since. I forget what the question was (Paul Dickenson asks some good ones), but she answered by saying that a lot of advertising is all about how having the product will give you power over other people. . . like by making your friends jealous, your kids happy, the opposite sex not be able to resist you. . . that sort of thing. Why do I have to be so power hungry? I would totally buy laundry detergent that makes people flock toward me so they could sniff my clothing--hey, I'd settle for one that made my husband do that.
I wish I were a more charitable person. I get so greedy--wanting the perfect house, the perfect image, the perfect kids, the perfect husband ("perfect" meaning having all these things utterly under my control). And why do I want these things? To influence people to like me? Probably. To get my way? Quite likely. To be happy? You bet. It just doesn't work that way.
Well, I was thinking about this when I went down with my friend, Danielle Bruening, to see Sister Julie B. Beck in Pittsburg. As the opening song started, I wrote down some questions I wanted answered (as is my habit). When Sister Beck opened up the meeting for questions I think my jaw just about hit my knees! I couldn't ask her any of my questions--they were all so shallow. I can sum them up for you here--"How can I make myself and everyone around me be perfect?" ("perfect" of course, meaning they would conform exactly to my standards). I've actually been super stressed about it. I want to be perfect and help my family be perfect, and not necessarily in some evilly concocted way. Even though I didn't ask her my question--she answered it directly. I took down this quote. "We don't get the dream here; we get the experience." This world wasn't meant to be like the Celestial Kingdom. I get it now--at least more than I did before. I love that quote. . . maybe I can put it on a super-cute plaque in my living room, and when I invite company over, they can say. . . awww, what a nice thought--Ali Mae is super cool. . . and then, they will be in my power! Mwah-ha ha ha! (Of course that means actually having enough control over my life that I'd have enough time to make such a thing; so I'm pretty sure that plaque will never happen).


Anonymous said...

We all have some idea of what we think perfect is. I've noticed though that as we keep having kids, and they keep growing older that my view of perfection with them and myself changes a lot. Thanks for the quote, it's perfect! :)

Anonymous said...

Nice thought Ali-Mae. Its true though, isn't it? Its hard to keep perspective sometimes. Sometimes I get a little insecure too, when my house isn't clean, I haven't donned makeup in forever and I get on the scale (a scary thing at best) or when my kids slip and say something that isn't very flattering. "Am I doing enough"??

I agree, the Julie Beck conference was great. I got alot out of it too...kind of 'fills ya up', doesn't it?

I think its good to STRIVE for perfection, but know you only get there when we die....um, if we were good enough here that is. ;-) Remember we're human! Family Pajama Days are legal. No makeup days are legal. You don't have to like...or love....everybody, and guess what?...they don't have to like you either...and thats okay. Messy faced kids are legal. And even hubbys that bake and knit are legal! ;-) (I love it btw).

I think those are my favorite people really...the real ones. We try to be perfect, but as long as we are good boys and girls...we're fine. Remember....we do our best, and the Lord picks up the rest. No competition...no keeping up with Jones'.

By the way, I remember that lesson, and it WAS good! That and man, the teacher sure is HOT!!! Wow! Do you think he'd go out with me if I asked him? ;-)

Anonymous said...

You've got the best since of humor along with some pretty deep thoughts! I loved ready this and your past posts. You really do need to write a book some day. You are a talented writer. I wish my posts were as creative and fun to read as yours. you really sucked me in. Keep sharing those inspiring quotes

Anonymous said...

Awww... thanks everyone. and thanks for adding some of the ideas I missed :D. BTW Jolyne, I totally think you should ask him out... so long as his wife doesn't mind, of course... lol.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

so i am procrastinating homework and didn't read all of this one...but good insight...it is enough to make you want to go....hmmmmm

Anonymous said...

That was such a great night!! I love that quote too:) So memorable:)