Monday, March 2, 2009

Wow, I'm Emotional

Well, I tried to call my mom to complain to her, but it was kind of hard to say anything--she was really excited about geneaology, and I had to go take care of the mess the kids were making before she finished telling me about her stuff. So. . . I'll just complain here :D You guys are used to it, right?

I'll spare you Saturday. This will already be too long.

I woke up feeling pretty sick at 3ish am Sunday morning. I gargled with generic listerine, went back to bed, and felt a little better. We have really late church, so I took my time to get ready. I scanned and printed some pictures from the friend for Nana to color, got the kids dressed, and Robert got together a diaper bag. The kids were also feeling ill, but I had responsibilities for primary, and Robert had to play the organ, so we decided that Robert would take them home after sacrament and I would stay for primary and another meeting.

That was the plan.

We took two cars up, and got there 20 minutes early. I was glad to see that the Hunters had already started setting up chairs and were finishing up. I went to the bathroom to try and pull myself together and put something on under my eyes to hide how tired I looked. Just as I was finishing, Enoch decided to climb in the sink and turn the water on himself. His pants were soaked. It looked like he had had the worst imaginable accident. Ughhh. . . well, I took off his pants and left his only-half-soaked tights on (yes, we put our little boy in tights--his dress pants are so thin).

We made our way to the front pew. Nana and I sat down, but Enoch wanted to help the priesthood put out the sacrament--and he screamed each time I picked him up. What?!! He's never done that so much in public before. I went up on the stand to tell Robert we would be in the back. . . but we were only there long enough for wonderful Jolyne to offer Enoch some "maroon" leggings (THANK YOU, JOLYNE). Enoch continued to scream, and we continued to find less conspicuous places to sit. We ended up in the RS room, where Enoch took off the "newsletter" folder, losing a thumbtack (yup, that was us). I got down on my hands and knees (which is getting harder to do every day) to look for the other thumbtack while both of my children escaped the room and started running and squealing all down the halls. I think that's when I lost it. I never did find the thumbtack--I hope it didn't hurt anybody.

It took me awhile to get both of the kids together again, but when I did, all I could do is tell them we were leaving. (We never even had time to get the crayons out.) I put on their coats and gathered all of our things (actually Robert found some of the toys we left later, so not ALL of our things) and started heading out the door. That's when Robert caught me. He convinced me to stay. (He's amazing, and can get so much more done than I can--I think he thinks I should be able to do as much as him--and I should, but I don't). Anyways, he said he'd take care of the kids (they both needed diapers right then. . . that's right. . . I couldn't believe it either). He left Nana with me, and I sat in the dark RS room as she ran out into the sunny foyer to do a little dance. I was too frustrated to care. I was just trying not to cry (darn hormones).

Well, my godsend came in. Lacey was heading toward the mother's room and could tell I wasn't doing so well. She sat by me and told me that she would be able to handle primary, so I could go on home. I really hope she was okay by herself. I feel bad that I had to go. Robert came back with Enoch, and I did go home--with the kids. I'm not sure I was stable enough to drive, but we made it safely home--with Nana crying the whole way for Daddy and for juice (I kept giving her juice on the ride home from the temple Sat, but there wasn't any left). I put a chicken in to roast (I didn't worry about spices, so it was a little bland), monkeyed with the winkflash pictures for the ward valentine dance (you can too--we finally got them up), got Nana some juice (She was really cute--she kept bringing me two cups to fill, one for her and one for me--then she'd get two more. . . of course it wasn't as cute when I found out that she was taking them out of the sink instead of out of the dishwasher like I'd thought), called my mom (as I mentioned), and found the kids swimming in a pile of chocolate syrup on the kitchen floor, and drinking a cup full of the same. They were so cute, especially Eenie with his chocolate goatee, that I ran and got the camera. I was still on the phone with my mom through all of this (she probably would have let me go earlier if she knew what the kids were doing), so I couldn't handle the camera as well. It fell on the floor and broke. That's right. . . that's the second camera in less than a quarter--at least this one was only 60$. The words from the phone at that moment, 'The blessings that have come to our family as a result of doing this geneaology. . . ' That's when I had to say goodbye. I put the kids in the bath and started washing the chocolate out when Daddy came home. He asked me what I was doing when the kids got into the chocolate, and I lost it again. He finished dinner and helped get the kids out of the tub. I spent the rest of the evening getting stains out and fixing the camera (I think I fixed it--we'll see). I hope I never have to lose it so much in one day again--my eyes hurt, and it doesn't help my runny nose.


I promise my next post will be a happy post.


jolyne77 said...

I think we all have those awful days, thinking for sure this is what Hell on Earth really is. Like how much MORE could go awry in one day, right? I'm sorry my sweet could have always said 'hey, Jolyne, I need you to take my kids before I lose it"...and I totally would have...knowing I've been in similar situations myself. I would have been happy to help. KNOW this!! I love ya anyway though. I always hated the hormones too...its alright, I think we all understand and have been there...hoping not to revisit. ;-)'re not alone in your thoughts or actions...or alone in any respect actually. ;-)

Hang in there...k?

MandBfamerly said...

Ali, I'm so sorry. That sounds bad. It could be just the air. the kids and I have had a really hard time lately. I had a mental breakdown on Saturday morning. Good luck with everything and Remember you are Pregnant!! And things could be much worse.
( thats what I have to keep telling myself ).
I hope you know you can call anytime I would love to talk to you even if it is for a terrible day and some venting. Love you guys

Alice said...

Obviously I wasn't thinking clearly. . . I should've contacted the two of you right away!

Levi and Suzi said...

I'm sorry that your day was so rough! I've decided that having little kids is he** and if we all can just survive until they're at least 5 or 6 it will be worth it. :) It's a good thing they're cute and are fun sometimes, 'cause if they weren't...oh boy! All kidding aside, I think this rotten forever-long winter hasn't helped at all either. I hope things are going better today!!

Katie said...

Thanks for posting these kinds of things on your blog. I like reading them. Sometimes I suffer from "the grass is greener" syndrome, and you make a wonderful reality check. Boy, that doesn't sound very good, but thanks for having kids and being down to earth and honest. Makes me appreciate my mom more.