Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Great Weekend

'S'me again. I think having friends is kind of like drugs (at least for me this week). The highs are great--you're rockin' with your pals, feeling happy, life is good, little mishaps don't get you down because you're on top of the world. . . The lows are LOW--you don't feel like you're heard, nothing (compared to what you would have liked) gets done, everyone is rockin' without you, life stinks, there is no such thing as a LITTLE mishap when you're feelin' down. However, you keep trying to be social for the sake of those wonderful friendship "highs."

This weekend I had a bit of an epiphany--you don't have to be friends with everybody. Duh. What was my problem before? Saturday night was a great night--I was totally in love with Robert and I was able to hang out with a bunch of my friends (and I knew that there were plenty more that would have come if my house were big enough to invite them). I wanted every night to feel like that (I didn't have to try and win anybody's friendship, or get closer to them, I just had to hang out--it was AWESOME). I vowed that I wouldn't use as much energy trying to make better friends out of the people I don't mesh with as well, but rather I would hang out with my real friends more often. Duh, again.


Katherine said...

I don't know what to suggest. My only friends now exist as blogs (but it's not creepy because the blogs used to be real friends, like you). I need friends.

Rachel Avie said...

I know what you mean. It's really hard at church, too, because when you don't have a strong social support system, it's harder to get motivated to go. Well, at least it is for me. I know I'm not going for the friendships, but it really helps to know somebody there cares that you are there. What is your calling? If they are really making you uncomfortable you should tell them at a meeting, as difficult as that may be. Openness and honesty are the best ways to approach such things, because they probably have no clue you feel this way. Just explain that you aren't trying to make them feel bad or anything, but you want to feel more like a part of the team and needed to make them aware that right now you do not.

Na said...

Gosh, that's hard. I have struggling with the same feelings. I am also in primary and far away from family and friends (you).

Some of the things I've started to do is reconnect with the sisters that I know really well, and most of the time they know some of the other sisters I'm less familiar with. I ask them questions about the other sisters so in passing it doesn't feel too awkward to say hi to them (especially if I don't know their name). And like the other comment, be honest with your feelings and use "I messages".

I do hope I get to see you if I head out to DC!!! I've really missed you!!!!

Alice said...

You all are awesome. I'm really just a big complainer--it's not really that bad. It's nice to see that you understand me, though ;D. It's such a bummer that great friends like you guys aren't more common.

Havalah Turner | Sisters, What! said...

So yay, are internet just started working again (so exciting). Can I come over tomorrow? I'll call you.

Alice said...

So. . . I didn't explain myself as well as I thought. I posted another post to clarify ;D